“Barter Media Brokers is the premier source for barter based advertising
on the nation’s major media outlets”
Guaranteed Credit Line Approval of up to $50,000
For those companies that may not have significant excess capacity or distressed inventory available, but still want to take advantage of the significant cost reduction
aspects that a barter based advertising campaign provides, we offer an array of alternative finance programs to help you obtain the major advertising you need.
Fund your campaigns with our Guaranteed Approval credit line program available in amounts up to $50,000 and we guarantee you will make enough trade based sales to
pay off your credit line or we will buy your products or services at full retail value in amounts equal to your advertising expenditures and take delivery over time.
Barter Media Brokers is your
premier source for barter
based advertising on the
nation’s major Media outlets
We Trade Advertising on TV,
Radio, Print, Outdoor, Transit,
Internet, Mobile, Social, Ad
Specialties and more .
Exchange your excess
products and services to save
cash and increase your sales!
We also Trade Advertising for
Real Estate, Equity, Options,
Assets, and Public Stock
Contact Barter Media Brokers
We will pre-buy your products or services at full retail value in amounts equal to your
advertising expenditures and take delivery over time
For more information on guaranteed credit line approval please click on the
banner image above